Mathematical formula for the implementation

1.) First phase 36 months = national UBI
2.) Second phase 24 months = continental UBI
3.) Third phase 36 months = worldwide UBI

Just tell the idea of ​​the UBI+ to two more people.
If these then also tell the idea to 2 other people and so on …
then we have an E.G. = exponential growth

The success is only up to YOU!
Just tell two more people and it will be great.

I’m here! [ NOW ]
1st month = 2 people
2nd month = 4 people
3rd month = 8 people
4th month = 16 people
5th month = 32 people
6th month = 64 people
7th month = 128 people
8th month = 256 people
9th month = 512 people
10th month = 1.024 people
11th month = 2.048 people
12th month = 4.096 people

13th month = 8.192 people
14th month = 16.384 people
15th month = 32.768 people
16th month = 65.536 people
17th month = 131.072 people
18th month = 262.144 people
19th month = 524.288 people
20th month = 1.048.576 people
21st month = 2.097.152 people
22nd month = 4.194.304 people
23rd month = 8.388.608 people
24th month = 16.777.216 people

25th month = 33.554.432 people
26th month = 67.108.864 people
27th month = 134.217.728 people
28th month = 268.435.456 people
29th month = 536.870.912 people
30th month = 1.073.741.824 people
31st month = 2.147.483.648 people
32nd month = 4.294.967.296 people
33rd month = 8.589.934.592 people
34th month = ….. people
35th month = ….. people
36th month = ….. people