Today’s humans

When I observe people, I see sad, anxious and above all stressed creatures. I see a permanent struggle for more sales, more turnover and more profits.
It seems that people have no or far too little time for themselves, their loved ones and also for nature.

This is reflected in their attitude towards nature, the way they treat other people and the often destructive behavior towards themselves.
It gives the impression that they are exclusively busy chasing money so they can meet all their obligations.

I am curious and therefore constantly looking to understand things or improve what already exists.
This characteristic is a purely human one and is in all of us. People can only develop through their own natural curiosity, and we see this particularly pronounced in babies and young children.

So there is no need for any kind of coercion for people to get into action, because people are constantly doing something, from birth to the end of their lives.
And since every activity is also work, people have been working since birth.

Now this may sound a bit strange for one or the other reader, but if you think about it a bit, you will very quickly come to the realization that birth can often be a real hard work not only for the mother herself, but also for the respective child.

And then right after birth, the newborn begins its work of exploring the world around it, learning more about itself and its own abilities. It begins to perceive its environment through its eyes, continues with its first movements, and then leads so far as to learn at least a first language.

The work that is done here is priceless, both the work of the parents themselves, as well as the various activities that already a baby, toddler, child and then adolescent performs until he then matures into an adult.

In the sum a true achievement, which is accomplished here. But unfortunately this is performed to date unpaid.

And all these unpaid activities, both on the part of the parents, as well as from the point of view of the children, which are altogether enormously important, often lead to a certain lack of financial means, as well as to missing, temporal resources.

These deficiencies then often lead to problems that are detrimental both to the individual, to their own family, and often to the common good of a society.

And this is exactly what unconditional basic income is all about: On the one hand, to have sufficient financial means to have the necessary time for oneself and one’s loved ones with it. Because only in this way can we become free beings to set our own priorities and thus live as meaningful a life as possible in dignity.

And on the other hand, thanks to the unconditional basic income, a multitude of new opportunities arise. Especially that of being able to say NO to precarious and for oneself meaningless activities at any time, as well as to seize new opportunities that were previously unthinkable for oneself.

And by the way, everyone could discover and develop his or her own personal potential.
An unconditional basic income would be the lever that could lead people into a new age of humanity and the potentialization of their own abilities.

written by Alexander Zirkelbach

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